  • Cryp.im is a network that focuses primarily on Nutra and Finance/Crypto offers
  • They are based in Cyprus/Turkey
  • Their support can be contacted via their Facebook page, Skype and Telegram
  • Their network platform is custom built

Please note networks may change their tracking options from time to time -- if this article is for any reason outdated or you find errors in it, please let us know.

Step 1: Adding Cryp.im as an Offer Source

Adding offer sources is the first step to streamlining network setup.

We want to do two key things:

  1. Structure how we will pass data to the network
  2. Template the postback URL (or in rarer cases, JS tracking)

Both of these save you time and reduce human error.

We have a template for this source, so the easiest next step is to just type its name and click the template. But, we will go through the setup process end-to-end here just to be clearer.

Cryp.im uses a custom platform, here is how we should pass data to it:

And here is how we can pass back conversions.

How did we arrive at this configuration? Take a look at the next sections.

Step 2: Adding individual offers

To find an offer in Cryp.im, head to the Offers > Catalog section (usually here).

Some offers will be available directly, others will need you to apply to them and be approved. Find an offer and click apply.

Once approved and available, click an offer to see its details. From there, we want to click "Create new flow" to create a link for this offer:

We can use these additional options to pass custom data, which shows us the field names they expect data under -- this is what helps us build our offer source config of the standard field names and values to send to this offer source.

So, I just enter REPLACE under every field and tick full link to make sure I get full insight here into their link structure:

Once you click create flow, you'll see the flow with its URL here:

Now, lets copy this URL and have a look at it:


Notice all my REPLACE values here, and we can now see the names of fields to pass data under:

  • sub1-sub5
  • sp
  • click_id

I am not 100% sure what sp is meant for, but it doesn't matter -- we just need this click_id for unique ID passing and conversion tracking, and then its up to us to pass data under the subX fields.
I would recommend always passing funnel ID and traffic source ID, just so that its easy to break things down network-side too. You can pass other data you may find valuable, such as connection type, carrier/ISP, campaign ID, etc.

So, I arrive at this:

Feel free to modify these fields after loading the template -- you can add sub4 and sub5 or change what sub1-sub3 are passing.

Step 3: Adding conversion tracking

Now that we have set up the offer source for templating data passing, we want to do the same for conversion tracking, which is usually going to be via a “postback URL”, which is a server-to-server URL request from their system to ours.

These rely on unique click tracking IDs since no information is passed from the actual user’s browser and cookies aren’t available -- so all server-side tracking is generally going to use these unique tracking IDs.

Within the Cryp.im UI, there is a menu item "pixels" and from here we can create a new one. Note pixels is an archaic terms for the 1x1 image pixels that were used in the early days of marketing for tracking page visits, email opens, etc. Nowadays, people just call tracking "stuff" pixels even if there's no image involved 😅

This page presents you with buttons to inject tokens and tells you the tokens/macros for different fields:

From these, we can find that our tracking hit ID will be under the click_id field, which is represented by the {click_id} token.

Our postback URL for FunnelFlux is on the system settings page, it has this format:


From the info on this page, we can then pass {payout} for revenue of the conversion, and can use {conversionId} for Transaction ID. If you are doing offers that have mutliple states, e.g. with lead > sale, then you may instead want to use {status} as the transaction ID so that our system differentiates initial leads from sales.

The end result is this postback URL:


Remember to replace the domain with one of the custom domains you have connected to your FunnelFlux Pro account. You can use any domain -- when using server-to-server tracking and unique click IDs, the domain doesn’t matter.

Now, in our offer source config in FunnelFlux Pro, we can put this:

And that's it!

With this in place, data passing to Cryp.im offers and back to FunnelFlux should be rock solid 💪